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Shalom & Welcome! Congregation Beth El is a vibrant and growing Reform Jewish congregation located in Berkeley, California. Our membership consists of over 500 households who live in cities throughout the northern East Bay and Bay Area. Our synagogue was organized in 1945 as a liberal synagogue guided by a reverence for tradition, and these values continue to shape our congregation. Beth El is home to individuals and families of all backgrounds who are seeking community and wish to explore Jewish practice, spiritual growth and learning. 



Jewish tradition teaches us that a synagogue is a... 

Beit Midrash -
House of Study

Beth El offers a wide range of classes, weekly Torah study, special programs and lectures to support learners of all ages and stages in exploring the richness of our Jewish texts, traditions and identities. Our weekly Saturday morning, primarily lay-led Torah study is a vigorous and integral part of our community. Our Youth and Family Education (YAFE) programs include Beth El Nursery School (BENS), after-school (Kadima & Makom), an award-winning summer camp (Camp Kee Tov), family education programs and other informal educational opportunities.

Beit Knesset -
House of Assembly

Beth El clergy, staff and members organize and sponsor a wide variety of social events, informal gatherings, interfaith meetings, social justice and community service projects. Our congregation offers many opportunities for participants to create and experience a deep sense of belonging with other members of the community.

Beit Tefilah -
House of Prayer 

Beth El’s religious services combine a reverence for historical practice with contemporary language and music that brings joy and spiritual meaning. Led by our clergy and members, we are committed to spiritual meaning and intellectual rigor in our communal Jewish life. Shabbat services are held every Friday evening and Saturday morning in a variety of settings and formats; we encourage you to join us on any Shabbat. Holidays and special occasions are celebrated with seasonal music, study programs and liturgy appropriate to the day.

Join us any time for Shabbat or holiday services, Torah study or for another upcoming program or special event! Beth El members are always available to host a first-time visitor or to answer any questions you have; please contact us by e-mail or phone at or 510-848-3988.

Congregation Beth El is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism.

Sat, February 15 2025 17 Sh'vat 5785