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As a Beit Knesset - House of Assembly, Congregation Beth El offers many opportunities for participants to create and experience a deep sense of belonging with other members of the community through social gatherings. Please explore some of our adult ongoing groups below.

AHAVAT YISRAEL - is a supportive space for members to center our love and connection with the Jewish people's homeland of Israel. In this group, we build upon Beth El’s commitment to the people, land, and State of Israel: Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael, and Medinat Yisrael. This group will provide space for CBE community members who are feeling the combined pain of the war and the current environment, including the challenges of BUSD, to come together to support each other and our wider Jewish family in Israel. Please reach out to Rachel Gita or Jan Frankel with any questions.

BETH EL JAMS - We are a group for musicians: beginner, intermediate and advanced. We’ll be coming together to learn both Jewish and secular music, then playing new and old favorites together. Whether you know three chords on a guitar or can solo with the best of them, all you need is a desire to make music with others. Any instrument is welcome, including just your voice! For more information feel free to email Sean Holcombe

BETH EL NURSERY SCHOOL (BENS) - The BENS Parent group meets monthly on the second Tuesday of each month and is a chance to connect with other parents at BENS. Here you can learn about Parent Education Workshops, troubleshoot tricky points you are having at home, connect with the BENS directors around BENS curriculum and activities and so much more! Learn more about the BENS Parent Group by reaching out to

BETH EL READING GROUP - The reading group meets every Saturday at 12:20 pm - 1:30 pm via Zoom. Contact Basha Goddard for more information or to join.

BETH EL SINGLE PARENTS GROUP - encourages connections for single parents and their families to promote belonging and community within Beth El. All single-parent families are represented and welcome—divorced, separated, single parents by choice, widowed, adoptive parents, donor-conceived—whether co-parenting or raising kids on your own. Join this group for ongoing support, family activities, and shared participation in Beth El events, programs, and community service opportunities. Contact
Deb Massey for more information.

CONNECTIONS - A wide variety of programming is offered, including lectures, demonstrations, book talks, holiday events, congregant stories, and participatory activities.   While Connection’s primary goal is to bring together older congregants, all adult members are welcome. Contact Ruth Spear for more information.

CHORUS - If you love to sing, consider joining the Beth El Chorus! Joining together in singing is a joyous and meaningful way to connect with others. Singers of all abilities and ranges are welcome. No audition is required. For more information, contact Cantor Elaya and visit the Beth El Chorus webpage.

GARDEN - Join us in the CBE Community Garden on Sundays from approximately 10am - 1pm (weather dependant). Our garden is a place for gardeners of all skill levels to come together to grow in community while enjoying the seasons. This group is open to any members interested in honing their green thumb and open to learning more about all things that grow. We have garden beds available for adoption and lots of creative projects outside the beds as well! If you have any questions or would like to be involved, please come by on Sunday mornings or contact Carly Asher.

KESHET (Rainbow) HAVURAH: LGBTQIA+ COMMUNITY GROUP - A space for folx of LGBTQIA+ identities to be together and build connections. As of 2024, we’re in the early stages of convening or imagining what this might be, and are leaning towards activities focused on small-group connections, enhancing LGBTQIA+ visibility at Beth El, and collaborating with other Beth El program areas as well as LGBTQIA+ organizations in the Bay Area. Interested in joining and helping shape this community? Share your interest here, or contact Barak Ben-Gal and Rahel Smith at

LIFE STORIES - Life Stories creates a safe space to explore experiential writing. The session starts with a prompt followed by a period of sharing. The groups are diverse in age, gender, and even religion. Space is limited. Anyone interested in joining should contact Marilyn Margulius.

MONTHLY MAHJONG - Come play American Mahjong with our Beth El Community every 3rd Sunday from 1-3 pm! Whether you're still learning your craks from your bams or have been playing for decades we are happy to have you join. Please RSVP through
Sign Up Genius so that we know how many sets we need and people's approximate skill level/play speed. We encourage players to sign up for Nosh Duty as well. The more nosh, the merrier. If you would like to order your own mahjong card (if you don't know what this is, don't worry.  You'll find out at your first game), here is the website to order cards and more: Contact Debbie Tuttle Berkowitz or Beth Zeitman with questions.

SHABBAT POETRY - Read and discuss beautiful and moving poems on Jewish themes every 1st & 3rd Saturday afternoon of the month, from 4-5 pm. Contact Judy Tate for more information and Zoom link.

TALMUD DAF YOMI - Talmud Daf Yomi is the dedicated practice of studying one page of Talmud (a daf) each day, completing the entire Talmud in seven and a half years. The Talmud Daf Yomi group meets once a week on Wednesday's from 6:30-7:30 to discuss the previous week's Talmud pages! This group is intended for Talmud learners of all abilities, from those that have studied Talmud in the past, to those who are excited to explore Talmud for the very first time. Interested in learning more or where to begin? Reach out to Jennifer Baumer.

TALMUD STUDY - Join Congregation Beth El for a weekly Talmud discussion! This group meets every Friday from 5:00-6:00 pm. Whether you are an advanced Talmud student or want to explore Talmud for the very first time, you are welcome! Interested in learning more? Reach out to Alan Sanstad.

TORAH STUDY - Beth El’s weekly Shabbat morning Torah Study drash (teaching) is led by our volunteer members. A different congregational member presents her or his interpretation of the week's Torah portion, followed by a lively discussion. Contact Caroline Lehman if you would like to present or be added to the Torah Study email list. 

TRIBE - Beth El's affinity space for young adults in our 20's and 30's who don't have kids. We get together to hang out, attend regional Bay Area events, participate in Shabbat and holiday services and programs, and engage in social action-oriented events. Contact
Carly Asher or Beckett Sheeder for info on upcoming events or to be added to the WhatsApp group or email list.

Beth El’s community is made up of individuals who have a wide range of interests and passions. If you are interested in engaging in other ways not listed above, please visit the Engage section of our website to learn about other opportunities to connect, or reach out to the Community Engagement Office.

Sat, February 15 2025 17 Sh'vat 5785