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Shabbat, the joyful Jewish day of rest and renewal, begins on Friday evening and continues until sunset on Saturday. We encourage our members and families to observe Shabbat with the congregation as well as to explore and commit to meaningful personal and family Shabbat rituals. Together during Shabbat services we often mark life-cycle occasions, including b’nei mitzvah, baby namings, anniversaries, upcoming weddings and remembering the anniversaries of the death of loved ones. Children of all ages are welcome at all of our services. We offer Shabbat evening and morning services every week. All of our services are available to attend both live in person or on Zoom.


Friday evening is a sacred time to wind down the week and begin to make the transition into a Shabbat mindset and slower pace. At Beth El, we welcome Shabbat together every Friday evening with services of reflection, celebration and connection. The second and fourth Fridays of each month provide particular opportunities for us to engage in intentional ways with one another and with the themes of Shabbat.


Our monthly service that is especially accessible to families with young children takes place on the second Shabbat of the month at 5:30pm. As this is our community’s Erev Shabbat service, in addition to creating a joyful space for the youngest members of our community to fully express themselves, we also pause to recognize the mourners in our midst and recite Kaddish together. Led by members of our clergy team, Shabbat Ruach includes a brief and spirited Shabbat evening service followed by a Shabbat song session and dance party. Participants of all ages are encouraged to sing, dance, and bring in the ruach [spirit].


Our monthly extra musical service takes place on the fourth Friday of the month at 6:15 pm and is led by our clergy. Using both the words of our historical liturgy and many wordless melodies, we welcome Shabbat with a focus on the transformative power of music, with support from volunteer instrumentalists in our community. Bring your voice, your percussion or other portable instrument and come play and sing along! Or join us just to soak up the music.


Shabbat mornings at Beth El are filled with many opportunities to pray, study, sing and socialize.

The early morning minyan from 8:30 to 9:15 is a brief volunteer-led service that provides an intimate space for morning prayer.

Torah study from 9:15 to 10:00 is a well-attended and beloved Beth El tradition. Each week, a different synagogue member or one of our rabbis presents a teaching on the weekly reading which in turn leads into a lively discussion. For many participants Torah study is a highlight of their week! After the formal program, many participants continue the discussion at coffee hour immediately following. Torah Study is sometimes accessible both in person and on Zoom and sometimes exclusively on Zoom.

Shabbat morning services are held indoors in our sanctuary or the more intimate Beit Midrash or outdoors in the Founders Grove under our beautiful trees beginning at 10:15 Led by our clergy and volunteers, the service includes a Torah reading, teaching, music, prayer and opportunity to recite kaddish. The entire community is always invited to attend the service and the Oneg Shabbat [light refreshments or lunch] which follows. 



This is a special time each Spring when Beth El community members of all ages step back from daily life and come together for a weekend of fun, refocusing and celebration. We journey to the beautiful URJ Camp Newman, where we will be renewing, reclaiming and revitalizing. Our community will celebrate Shabbat through a program that includes activities for kids, families, and adults attending without children; communal meals; and Jewish celebration and learning. Throughout the weekend expect engaging learning sessions, swimming, nature walks, meaningful Shabbat celebration, camp-style song session, schmoozing, performing skits and more! 

Three meals of family-friendly food are served each day. We are able to accommodate most allergy needs and dietary restrictions with advance notice.


In an ongoing effort to create meaningful opportunities for community members to make new connections and deepen relationships, members of Beth EL are invited to sign up to participate in Shabbat on the Block; a special evening when we will gather together within the homes of our Beth El friends and neighbors to share in a potluck-style Shabbat dinner. You can either host or be hosted. The success of this event requires that enough homes open their doors to accommodate everyone who hopes to participate. The Community Engagement Office will match you with other Beth El members who live in your area.

Shabbat evening services will be held at 5:30pm on the evening of Shabbat on the Block so those who wish can attend services prior to dinner.  

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785